Updated: December 10, 2018

Today is the 70th Anniversary  of the United Nations Proclamation and Adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) . Even today the document is as relevant as when it was signed in 1948. It originated after the world experienced two World Wars and all the atrocities that accompanied them. 

This document empowers people all over the world to stand up for their rights and for the rights of others.  When gross violations occur in one country others need to speak up. Before international rights were in place governments could assert that whatever happened within their borders was none of the World's business.  Today some of those rights have been included in Constitutions all over the world.

The UDHR is a very powerful document with 30 unalienable rights. For example Article 4 says no one can be enslaved. Article 5  tells us that no one has the right to torture anyone.  Article 14 explains that  if you fear for your life in your homeland you have a right to flee to another country for safety. Article 19 protects freedom of speech, expression  and the right right to hold opinions.  Article  21 says that governments get their authority from the will of the people who will elect them by periodic and genuine elections held by secret vote. Those are just a few of those fundamental rights. 

Today, there are many in the world who are fighting to maintain their rights under the UDHR. Equality is under attack.  People cannot thrive in the absence of human rights. It encourages instability in the world.  Therefore it is left to each individual to speak up when another person's rights are under threat.  Leaders must be made to uphold human rights. That is the only way to maintain peace.  Because when rights are  eroded atrocities can occur.