Updated: May 25, 2017
On the opening day of the Dominica Parliament, a Minister of Government  took a gun to the Parliament and he even had the audacity to display it to other Parliamentarians. According to reports this Minister said that he was prepared to shoot protesters who were outside Parliament exercising their democratic rights.
What a shame!
People should not be shocked at the behavior of this minister. The
ruling Labor  Party. members in Parliament show no regard for the place.  They do whatever they want.  The majority of them come to Parliament unprepared and appear bored with the whole procedure. They have the look of people who rather be somewhere else. What a disgrace!
 On the other hand, why should they care?  The Speaker will do  their work and protect them.So its not surprising that the presence of  some protesters outside the Parliament was enough to get jolt them out of their stupor.

The Dominica Parliament is dysfunctional.  The Speaker of the house has totally abdicated her duties.  She has clearly shown that she is not impartial by  her preference for members of the ruling party. She is suppose to supervise the house rather then participate in the discussions.  At times it is difficult to tell the difference between the Speaker of the House  and an elected political member by her constant level of badgering the opposition member.
 She has no credibility.  Maybe it's not her fault.  For 15 years she has been acting as full fledged cheer leader for the ruling party in Parliament All she has to do now is  to get a mini skirt and a pair of pompoms to show the Dominican people her real self.