One year ago, March 10, 2020, the government of Dominica, represented by Vince Henderson, appeared before UN Humans Right Committee to answer a broad range of questions on the status of Human Rights in Dominica. Among the many inquiries were issues related to discrimination on the basis gender and sexual orientation, treatment of indigenous (Kalinago) people, women’s rights, infringement on the right of peaceful assembly and use of force against political opposition. Notwithstanding prior knowledge of the issues to be raised at the inquiry, Henderson was grossly unprepared to answer inquiries related to the latter 2 issues.
Many aspects of the UN's Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the International Human Rights Standards for Law Enforcement were violated by members of the Dominica Police Force. The following is the text from the UN High Commission for Human Rights at it relates to International Human Rights Standards for Law Enforcement: